Thursday, September 7, 2023

Blog #1: My Top 5 News Sources

 I am not someone who reads a lot of news. My family stopped watching the nightly news because it was all filled with sad stories and who wants to listen to another sad story. However, I realized that I would rather be informed with those stories rather than be ignorant and not know what's going on in the world.

Although I still don't watch the news there are a couple sources that I look at to find information about current events. 

The first and biggest way I get all my news is through Tik Tok. I feel like this app has taken over the world and more people are on it than those who aren't. Even thought its an app meant for silly videos that last 15 seconds, it has turned into something much bigger than that. I see videos on my page all the time of popular news stories and information about laws being passed. I remember hearing for the first time that Roe V Wade was overturned on Tik Tok. 

There are so many people who have accounts on TIK TOK whose sole content is just sharing news. It's a great way to find out things fast however you have to be careful with what videos you believe because some might not be true. A lot of people are just looking to gain more views so anytime I hear anything on TIK TOK I go straight to google news and find out if it's true. 

Google News is a secondary source for me. I go there to fact check anything I've heard on another platform. I feel like Google News is really helpful with providing reliable articles from trusted sources rather than just random people saying what they want. Google for anything is the place I go to for more information rather than a little clip or picture I might see on Tik Tok. I use Google News a lot when doing projects for school as well. Researching on this platform is very easy and I can always find a source for what I am searching for.  

A popular source that might not seem like a source would be other people. Talking to friends and family is one of the fastest ways to hear new information. Stories, especially interesting ones, spread like a wildfire through friend groups and families. Nothing stays a secret for long and eventually people all around the world will be talking about the same thing. I remember when Queen Elizabeth died it was like the whole world knew in a matter of seconds. My mom was the one who told me and soon all my friends were talking about it. This is a good way to hear multiple perspectives of a story and to find out new information you might not have heard on your own. Although some things can get lost in translation going from person to person, it's still such a fast way to be able to talk about current events and gain another persons perspective on the story. Friends and family can be great for hearing multiple sides of the same story.

I used to read a lot of magazines but recently I've narrowed it down to just Vogue. I love reading Vogue not so much for current events but for stories about topics I'm interested in. They are always publishing articles about up and coming designers or photographers and artists. I find that stuff so fascinating and love to see the new things going on in those fields. This cover here is a new clothing designer. Her name is Matilda Djerf and I have been following her story for a year now. It's so cool to see her now on the cover of Vogue and telling her story. 

Articles like that are what keep me interested in my Vogue subscription. There is always new content being published and they really make it a point to interview people who are making a change in the world. 

The last source I use for trending news and stories would have to be Instagram. I follow a couple of news accounts and I find that I scroll through their posts once in a while to keep up to date with content they are posting. I don't do this too often but I see news accounts come up on my explore page a lot and I do look through their articles. I followed an account called Feminist because they were posting about the 2020 election and how it would affect women's rights. They also post a lot about news in other countries involving women's rights. They keep really up to date with laws and bills that are passed concerning women's bodies and what is being decided about them. 

Instagram is not the place I would go to for current events because there are much better sources for getting fast information. However, Instagram is good at spreading awareness about issues. A lot of accounts will make infographics you can share on your story so your followers can see what's going on as well. It's a good way to get people talking and curious about what's going on. They can then find the sources that work for them and figure out information their own way. 

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